EQ Centre

Articles, Blog, Interviews, Stories





Spotlight on Trimmers: Martina Ottardi Dr.med.vet.

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2023


Martina Ottardi  Dr. med.vet.

Switzerland +41 (0)795 522 28 02    [email protected]

Certified EQAT /MT  Congratulations 

What is your present trimming status?

I only trim my own horses but I am open to helping others.   


What was the reason you started learning to trim?  

I started trimming nine years ago with the help of the Donatella, the trimmer who used to come to the barn where I grew up.   All the horses at the barn had already been unshod...

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Spotlight on Trimmers: Kendra Legters: Certified EQAT/MT

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2023

 Interview with Kendra 

 Kendra Legters Bloomfield, NY (585)-748-7187 [email protected]

Certified EQAT Congratulations 



What was the reason you started learning to trim?   

I got my first horse, Amber, when I was 13, and met a barefoot trimmer, Jeff Eddy, at that time. He had studied with Lisa in Canada and was trimming many horses in the area where I lived. Always loving horses and wanting to learn more about anything related to them, I became very interested in trimming, so Jeff showed me the...

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The EQ System living space

Uncategorized Dec 31, 2021

 EQ System

I liken it to an 'eco' system as opposed to an actual 'method' to do things.

An EQ system:  a living space for horses designed with the assistance of the equines in the living system.  A system which compliments the land, contains various footings, rolling spots, eating/grazing zones, poop zones (and manure management), shelter, fresh water and added enhancements to elevate the health and wellness of the horses. 

No matter how big or small the land, you CAN implement enhancements and improve the functional...

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Spotlight on Trimmers/NB Dentist: Jolien deRechter

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2021


EQ: "What is your present trimming status? "

Jolien: I only trim my own horses but can help others if needed


EQ: "Why or how did you start your trimming journey?"  

Jolien: Nobody seemed to get along with my horse while trimming his feet.  I decided I will do it myself.  I learned on the go and from then on he was a perfect angel with his feet.  The kind of horse I could only dream about. And there was a bonus that he also got rid of his lameness in the fronts!


EQ: "What is your EQ Connection?"


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Barefoot vs Shoeless

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2021

Is there a difference between being 'barefoot' and having 'no shoes' ?   Can the trim affect the form and function of the bare hoof?  Can the shape and function of the foot affect posture, stance and to some degree conformation?

Rest assured it can and does – in fact, it affects much more than that!   

The condition, overall shape and function of your horse’s feet influence not only his posture, stance, attitude, personality and movement, but also his functional health including circulation,...

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Spotlight on Trimmers: Katie Havron NY

spotlight on trimmers Jan 12, 2021

Spotlight on trimmers is an interview submission form to EQ. Contact us for a link if you would like to be listed.



EQ Interview with Katie


EQ: "What is your present trimming status? "

Katie:  I only trim my own horses at the moment, but I am available to help others if needed.  I am looking to get back to trimming for others while advancing my knowledge and skills.  

EQ: "Why or how did you start your trimming journey?" 

Katie: I wanted to learn to trim before I owned my own horses,...

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Trimmer Spotlight Series: Alicia Lew

spotlight on trimmers Jan 11, 2021

Spotlight on Trimmers is an interview submission form to EQ.  Contact us for a link if you would like to be listed.  







EQ Interview with Alicia 


EQ: "What is your present trimming status? "

Alicia: I am open and actively seeking new clients  

EQ: "Why or how did you start your trimming journey?" 

Alicia: Horses have always been at the heart of my life, but a career with them felt impossible. After graduate school I enjoyed several years as a scientist and an...

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Spotlight on Trimmers: Jeff Eddy NY

spotlight on trimmers Jan 07, 2021

Spotlight on Trimmers is an interview submission form to EQuinextion.  Contact us for a link if you would like to be listed.   



EQ Interview with Jeff Eddy


EQ: "What is your present trimming status? "

Jeff: I am pretty full with clients but can help in a pinch.   I am presently trimming 700 horses with my team of EQ support trimmers. 

EQ: "Why or how did you start your trimming journey?" 

Jeff: I started with Equinextion about 14 years ago because of my horse Mac.   He was...

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I called him Beta: The story of my first heart horse. 💖

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2020

  When I was young I always wanted and dreamed of meeting  'my' horse.  A lifer!

 From a very young age, I had this fascination, an infatuation with horses (and dolphins) and thought that I would finally feel whole if I could raise my horse from a baby.   


It began back when I was about 19 or 20 years old.  I rode my bike to work (with horses) daily and generally took...

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The Feet are the Life Force of the Horse

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2020



Your horse has 5 hearts!  So to speak.  One in his chest and one on the end of each limb.  His very lifespan, overall health and functional wellness is directly related to his hoof health and the following 4 simple yet essential life force considerations. 

How many horses do you know that despite the best of care continue to have problems with lameness, metabolic issues/ illness or behavioural issues?  

We know that every single barn has at least one lame horse ... and you...

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