Katie: I only trim my own horses at the moment, but I am available to help others if needed. I am looking to get back to trimming for others while advancing my knowledge and skills.
Katie: I wanted to learn to trim before I owned my own horses, when I was learning about horses from my family’s horses. I always believed that barefoot was the way to go, and valued the natural world and natural hoof. My goal was to care for my own and family horses, and help others along the way.
Katie: I attended a level one trimming course at the EQ Awakenings Centre in Alberta Canada with Lisa a couple years ago. I was already sold on everything Lisa offers but was blown away with all she has to offer horses and people. While I was at the EQ Centre I was immersed in trimming, theory, and EQ System natural horse keeping. I got to extend my stay to get even more education as we travelled to attend a Dr.Bowker weekend seminar.
Katie: I trim about 3 to 10 horses a month. It depends.
Katie: I think my favourite thing about trimming, my own and clients horses, is being able to care and adjust the hoof as required, dictated by seasons, use etc... rather than allowing too much time between visits. Or maybe it is the challenge that you are always learning because no hoof is ever the same, even each time out! I’m torn. π
Let horses be horses, they are not people.!
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