Alicia: I am open and actively seeking new clients
Alicia: Horses have always been at the heart of my life, but a career with them felt impossible. After graduate school I enjoyed several years as a scientist and an educator, but my journey in that field was not meant to continue at that point in my life. I happened to be looking for a barefoot trimmer at the same time I was facing a major career crossroads—that's when I discovered Equinextion. Lisa's encouragement empowered me to take ownership of my horse's hoof care and inspired me to support and serve others
Alicia: I'm currently working towards my EqAT certification with Equinextion through in person trimming course and online externship.
Alicia: I trim about 3 to 10 horses a month. It depends.
Alicia: Trimming is a fascinating blend of art, science and intuition. It's incredibly rewarding to feel a horse's sincere appreciation and relief after a trim. I also enjoy supporting owners as they discover the many ways their horse can benefit from an enhanced natural lifestyle.
Alicia: Always honour the natural essence of the horse as much as possible and be your horse's fiercest advocate, even when you must defy tradition.
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