Jeff: I am pretty full with clients but can help in a pinch. I am presently trimming 700 horses with my team of EQ support trimmers.
Jeff: I started with Equinextion about 14 years ago because of my horse Mac. He was chronically lame, foundered with cracked feet that couldn't hold together. After exhausting standard veterinary care and farrier fails I turned to EQ and never looked back! I took the Trimmer courses and utilized the support and after care, keep plugged in and learning all the time.
I am an Equinextion Mentor trimmer and as mentioned have a team of EQ support trimmers.
Jeff: Knowing that I help horses get top professional care and can guide owners in offering a more enhanced natural life for their horses.
Jeff: DO your research!! Start with the Beyond Barefoot Membership course or at the very least the Make the Connection Triminology field study guide. Grow and learn! You can do it!
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