A 10 day learning internship based at the EQ Centre in Alberta 🇨🇦
🌟 Maximum of 4 people.
🌟 Trimming daily
🌟 We study Natural Balance Equine Dentistry through presentations and demonstrations with TLD Holistic Equine and the impact it has on the hoof and horse.
🌟 Going Beyond Barefoot, we also discover the effects of saddlefit and training/schooling and biomechanics of the sound equine through Synergy Saddle fitting / Education and Sales.
🌟🌟 Some courses we may have time (or make time) to ride or ground school depending on the year. Bring your riding clothes if you would like to have some riding sessions or ground work rehab school with Elevated Horsemanship.
💥 Live courses are for all who want to expand their equine knowledge in many ways Beyond Barefoot and become an EQAT or EQMT to help others
Partial list of curriculum in Trimmer School live
Parts of the foot: Overview of the parts of the foot and how to find them in a variety of feet - healthy and otherwise.
The differences between hind and front feet and how to discern the messages within shape variables.
Functions of the hoof
Inside the hoof
How the hoof grows
Natural Lifestyle: what it is and what it isn't.
Abscesses: What to do and what not to do.
Contraction Why does it happen and what can you do about it?
Thrush: What it is and what it isn't. How to treat from the topical to internal.
First aid, and natural effective wound care. How to discern when you need veterinarian intervention.
Basic Vital health and wellness parameters
Posture and movement
Going Forward in your business
50% Complete
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