"I am so happy and quite frankly amazed at the change in my aged (27 yr old) mare. She was losing weight and topline, even being on grass. There is 3 weeks between the pictures. I recommend giving TLD Holistic Equine / Terra a call and get your horse checked for overall dental balance! I did and I am truly amazed at the results!"

Incisors are an integral part of TMJ balance
Contrary to popular belief, the balance of the incisors has a major effect on the overall body balance and comfort in the horse.

Want to host an equine teeth talk?
Where do you train?
Do you use power tools?
Do you use sedation?
How often should I have my horses teeth checked?
How do I book a group informational presentation / demonstration?
What kind of facility is required?
What can I expect during a TLD equine dental procedure?
TLD Holistic Equine: Photo gallery

I was so happy to watch my horses get their dental exams with Terra. She used no sedation and they all surprised me with their complete cooperation. Amazing work Terra!

Terra worked on my minis and was so quiet and gentle with them, even though one was rearing up at the beginning. They all were done with no sedation and that was amazing to see.

My riding horse was done by Terra and right after I noticed my horses ability to bend and flex properly had increased by 50%. I was in shock when I rode my 'new' horse. She continues to get better. Thank you so much Terra for all you do for horses!